How Does Owl Get Food?
Owls are Birds of Prey, which means that they must kill other animals to survive. Their diet includes invertebrates (such as insects, spiders, earthworms, snails and crabs), fish, reptiles, amphibians, birds and small mammals. The main food largely depends on the species of Owl. For example, Scops and Screech Owls feed on insects mostly, while Barn Owls eat mainly mice, shrews and voles. Larger Owls such as the Eagle Owl will prey upon hares, young foxes and birds up to the size of ducks and gamebirds.
Owls generally have a hunting territory away from their daytime roost.
All Owls are equipped with special adaptations that make them efficient predators. Keen eyesight allows them locate quarry even on dim nights. Sensitive, directional hearing helps locate concealed prey. Some species can even hunt in complete darkness using sound alone to guide them to a successful kill. An Owl's flight is silenced by special wing feathers, that muffle the sound of the air rushing over the surface of the wing. This allows an Owl to hunt by stealth, taking their victims by surprise. It also allows the Owl to listen for prey movements while still flying.
How Does Owl Protect Themselves?
Owls also have very sharp talons that they can use to fight predators. These talons may not look like much but they can cut predators open and they can cut very deeply. The rapid movements of the owls can result in scratching that will cause their predators to run away with pain. The beak of an owl is another weapon that they use to defend themselves. Their beaks are turned downward and they are very sharp. While predators can take down owls, they won’t be able to do so without a fight.
When owls are injured though it is harder for them to be able to fight back. They don’t have as much strength. You will find that predators are instinctively able to figure this out. That is why they will go after owls that have been injured versus healthy ones. They want to get the food source but avoid the possibility of injury.
Owl Sleeping Habit
Many sleep during the day, which means they are nocturnal. Others sleep at night, just like humans! Owls have very keen senses of sight and hearing. They have specialized ears that can trace small vibrations from movement on the ground from small animals
Big raptors don't have to worry about predators so long as they're off the ground, so they'll usually just find a tree branch somewhere. Owls also sleep in trees, usually during the day, either in dense foliage (to keep the light out) or, for certain species, in tree cavities.